Kevin Corish: Residential Development Much More Than Construction

As Kevin Corish knows, developing a piece of land can be a rewarding experience, particularly once the project is completed and ready for the market. A successful North-West England residential developer for more than 15 years, Kevin Corish appreciates not only the challenge that comes with turning property into something special, but the opportunity to add something truly unique, and of value, to the community as a whole.

Land development may appear to some to be a simple matter of buying an empty lot and putting up a structure, but as Kevin Corish knows, the process of development is extremely involved, detailed and complex.

Those looking to enter the field should understand that land development is about much more than the home construction process, as it includes everything from ideation and building a plan to obtaining permits, negotiating contracts, performing tests and working with others to make sure each phase goes off without a hitch.

The development process generally involves such integral aspects as:
·         Working with others to formulate an idea.
·         Refining that idea to best meet the needs of all stakeholders involved.
·         Running that idea through tests to see if it’s feasible.
·         Negotiating the contracts needed to ensure all parties are properly managed.
·         Obtaining necessary permits to begin the construction process.
·         Demolishing any existing structure and preparing the land for construction.
·         Working with contractors/subcontractors to properly manage each phase of the project.
·         Completing the project and preparing the property for inspection.
·         Marketing the property for sale; closing the property.

KevinCorish knows successful development to be a multi-layered, complex process; one that involves numerous facets, teams and phases to ensure the property is developed up to the best standards and value possible.


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